The Perfect White Tee

What to wear right now

Hands down, a great white t-shirt is a necessary staple in everyone’s wardrobe. However, the search for the perfect one is an ongoing journey. Since a white t-shirt is a basis for many looks - jeans, tennis shoes, cropped jacket for Saturday afternoons, or tucked in a full midi skirt with a jean jacket for movie night, a stock of great t-shirts is needed. Here is where my search has taken me.

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Near Perfection!

Frank & Eileen Heritage Jersey is a favorite with a little heft to the fabric and a flattering shape.

Your best T-shirt should be like your bed; it just feels like you are home when you are in it.
— Ashton Kutcher
Madewell’s slight crop and ruffled edges combine for a great t-shirt.

Madewell’s slight crop and ruffled edges combine for a great t-shirt.

Rag & Bone give us a relaxed fit and v-neckline - two winners!

Rag & Bone give us a relaxed fit and v-neckline - two winners!

Good white t-shirts need to be replaced

Like it or not, our favorite white t-shirts do not have long lives. With constant wear, a lot of washings, and heavy-duty work, we need to replace them every year or two. A real favorite may transfer to the “only wear around the house” drawer, but to keep this classic wardrobe staple fresh, we need to keep adding to our stock.

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The Splurge

Re-Done by Hanes takes a classic, boxy cropped tee and gives it a little more length


More ideas for every shape, size and request for that perfect t-shirt

Photos by…Frank & Eileen, Madewell, rag & bone and RE/DONE

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