Father's Day Meals Made Easy

Waiting on Dad is no problem

Father’s Day always falls on the weekend of the U.S. Open Golf Tournament. My dad is gone but I love spoiling the father of my children as he plants himself on the couch to watch the action. We start with a veggie scramble and avoid overcooking the eggs. He’s a guy who likes his eggs “loose”. This year I am making a mushroom, spinach, and goat cheese scramble by Eat This, Not That. Ingredients can be prepped ahead of time and adjusted to your family’s favorites.


Eggs Scrambles

can be customized to include all your favorites


My man needs his bacon, but I always cook it in the oven. I don’t like the lingering smell of bacon fat in the house. This recipe by the New York Times is easy.

Crispy diner hashbrowns are on the menu. There are two ways you can make them: using fresh potatoes or frozen shredded hashbrowns. Either way, the cooking method is the same and the time and patience required will be worth it.

The best parts of your father are the best parts of you. Never forget where you came from.
— Anonymous

Mint Grapefruit Mimosas

To get your fruit in, these grapefruit mimosas with a hint of mint will fit the bill. Happy Father’s Day!

Happy spring cooking!

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Photos by Eat This, Not That; The New York Times, Simplyrecipes, Insanelygoodrecipes.com

mary has something to say…

MARY VAN HIELLove, Design, Food