The Green Scene
I know we shouldn’t complain, but for those of us living in Southern California we’ve been pummeled with rain and what we may call frigid weather. For the first time ever, temperatures in Los Angeles remained below 70 degrees for all of February. This is the coldest it’s been since 1960. So, we’re yearning for a thaw and the first signs of spring.
Orange blossoms are bursting with fragrance.
One of the first hints of spring is the scent of orange blossoms in the air. For me, it’s intoxicating and I start to conjur up my fondest memories of this green season. It may have been getting to play later in the street as a child because Daylight Saving Time meant the streetlights came on later, Easter egg hunting in our pjs, or of course, the promise of Spring Break - Palm Springs! The moms would take all the kids, pile them one hotel room, let us swim until our eyes were bloodshot, then we would fall asleep, exhaused waiting to do it all again the next day.
Spring Break
What are your favroite memories of this magical season?
I invite you to put on your green and get ready to enjoy the ride into this season of life, renewal, nature, and energy. Fortheloveofmary will be bringing you ideas on how to get into the green scene - its a state of mind.
What are you longing for in spring?