Spring's New Beginnings

New Life, New Love

As we enter into Spring 2022, I am giddy with joy because of all the new beginnings in my life. I am going to be a grandma for the first time. I have no fear of handling my duties as I am one of six children; being near the top of the birth order, I took on many mothering tasks early. Diaper changing, bottle washing, and potty training were some of the jobs thrown my way. Fast forward to being the mother of three daughters, two of which are twins, and my maternal skills continued to polish. My oldest daughter is giving us a grandson, and I welcome the newness of a sweet baby. My heart will likely burst every time I cuddle that sweet little boy.

The Happy Mom-to-be

Enjoys a baby shower given in her honor with all her favorites including Wedgewood china-inspired cakes

An all-new look

Everything has changed! Today's moms look different, in a good way. They don't wear maternity clothes but stylish dresses that look amazing after the baby arrives. There is also equipment that I could never dream up - bassinets that gently wiggle the baby when it starts to fuss, all organic everything from bath products to swaddling blankets, and strollers that follow Tesla's ingenuity.

Strollers are a commitment. Once you choose one, you have choices. They start with a frame, build with a flat bassinet for newborns and which can be switched out for a car seat. There are add ons that can take transport your baby and additional babies years beyond. I'm happy these new moms can add technology to make their job easier. But, the unexpected late-night cries and coughs will never go away, so when all is said and done, a parents' care will always prevail.

There’s delicious treats to help mom too!

An old friend became a grandma recently and let me in on a new mother’s best friend - lactation cookies. I had no idea there was such a thing, but there are companies and recipes that specialize in treats to help new moms with breastfeeding. Location cookies contain oats, flax seeds, and brewer’s yeast that help increase breast milk supply. You can include the mom’s favorite add-ins like coconut, dried cherries, and a sprinkling of Maldon sea salt if you make them yourself.

Cookies help mom

Lactation cookies are rich in ingredients that help increase breast milk supply. They’re so delicious the whole family can enjoy them.

Please join me on my journey as my family grows and follow us on Instagram to see what we are musing about.

Photos by Uppa Baby, Snoo, Honest, Ambitious Kitchen and author’s own.

mary has something to say…

MARY VAN HIELLove, Design, Beauty