How to hang on to summer

We are in the last third of August, and if you live where I do in Southern California, some contradictions are apparent. First, the weather doesn’t change - it’s hot through October, so we stay in our cotton dresses, shorts, and flip-flops. Next, many of us are back to school, so we live the daily routine of work, home, work even though the sun is shining and the surf is up. Finally, we have the weekends, and I latch onto every drop of that to extend summer as long as I can. Here are a few ideas to do the same.

Pink Blue Floral Pastel Photo Spring Break Sale Instagram Post (1).jpg

Finish your summer bucket list

Read those books you never got to, especially those great beach reads.

We hope you make the best of what’s left of summer as it winds down and thoughts go to fall.

Follow us on Instagram to see how we making the best of these warm days.

Photos by Farhan Abas, Liana Mikah and Anh Nguyen of Unsplash and Audible

MARY VAN HIELStyle, Design, Love, Food